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Managing Pain When Cold Weather Hurts Your Dental Work

Posted on 12/13/2017 by Manhattan Maxillofacial Surgery Group
Dental Fillings Manhattan Maxillofacial Surgery Group NY 10022
The cold months always pose a big problem for people with sensitive teeth because the pain can aggravated by the cold.

When it happens, you normally would find it hard to do work outside without getting distracted from the sudden discomfort which hits you like a sheet of ice stabbing your gums.

There are several reasons for experiencing pain during cold weathers. Aside from tooth sensitivity, factors like having broken fillings or a receding gum line always contribute to the abrupt nagging tooth pain during winter. Here are some ways to manage the pain you get:

Have Your Cracked or Broken Dental Fillings Replaced

You might be experiencing pain because the dentine or pulp cavity is exposed to the cold weather. Normally, these parts of your teeth are very sensitive to temperature changes which tells you need to have them filled.

If you have an old dental filling, cold temperature can seep through the cracks and breaks. Having them repaired would save you from sudden pains during the cold months.

Additionally, fillings are not as permanent as you think. They can wear out over time and visiting your dentist will help alleviate the sudden intense feelings when going outside.

Let Your Dentist Know About Your Periodontal Problems

A receding gum exposes the root which causes sensitivity. This clearly manifests itself when breathing through your mouth outside and the cold air brushes with your tooth. Your dentist can give you helpful advice on how to manage tooth sensitivity during winter.

Or if you wish, you can undergo a tissue grafting surgery to counter the recession of your gums. It is not just important to converse with your dentist when you experience the nagging pain during winter, but a regular checkup will remove the issues that contribute to your tooth sensitivity when the season changes.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (212) 245-5801 today.

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Manhattan Maxillofacial Surgery Group
16 E 52nd Street, Suite 1101
New York, NY 10022

Phone: (212) 245-5801
Fax: (646) 607-2957
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